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Polar bear trackers help keep people and bears apart
46 minutes agoBy Victoria Gill, @vic_gill, Science correspondent, BBC NewsTyler RossAs the climate warms, polar…
Secret ‘sky island’ rainforest saved by new discoveries
Just nowBy Jonah Fisher, BBC Environment correspondentBBC/Tony JolliffeThe Mount Mabu chameleon Rhampholeon maspictus is…
Moon cave discovered that could one day house humans
Scientists have for the first time discovered a cave on the Moon.At…
Bid to make ultimate photo record
56 minutes agoBy Jonathan Amos and Alison Francis, BBC News Climate and ScienceBBC/Kevin ChurchSix-tonne…
countryside offenders’ convictions still ‘woeful’
51 minutes agoBy Malcolm Prior, @NewsMPrior, BBC News, rural affairs correspondentKerry McClayKerry McClay says more…
Leaks won’t stop with £19 a year water bill rise, warn firms
Getty ImagesA proposed average 21% hike in bills in England and Wales…